Sunday, 21 June 2015

Hey Guys,
First of all, I want to apologise for not posting in AGES!

I just thought I would give you a quick update about my life.
So Basically, I feel more positive about myself and less depressed which is a major step in my life. I am even enjoying looking at me walking in the mirror which six months ago I couldn't of done without bursting into tears. I used to look at the down sides, like the stares and the horrible comments but now instead I think about the perks that come with being disabled. Recently, I went to DisneyLand for the first time ever (I know right, how come I have only just discovered this joy?!) and I got to skip all the queues: 'coming through!!' ;). I mean come on, how awesome is that??!!!

Sorry for keeping it short but now I am going to be aiming to post at least once a day.

Please, Please, Please leave you comments below, I would much appreciate it!

Evie :) xx

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