Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Bed, books and awareness!

Hello Guys!
I am back!!!!!!!!
The reason I have basically stopped posting is because there has been no interest in my blog and I am trying to focus on my school grades. If you are reading this but not leaving a comment then please could you make yourself known to me and thank you for reading this as I know I don't have the most interesting blog posts! I have recently read the book 'what the **** is normal?' By Francesca *can't remember her second name and I can't be bothered to go check* I would but I am comfortable in my bed and so warm right now! Anyway, you guys have got to read this damm book, it is truely amazing! Go search it on Amazon now I dare you, you will not regret it especially all my fellow CP mates if you are there! Anyway, enough about the book and my bed, I would really like your feedback on this blog, I realise you don't have much to go by as I haven't posted in 8 months but I loved reading the one comment I have received from this doctor bloke, sorry I forget your name :)
Tomorrow, I have got a BIG Maths exam and I thought this would be a nice break from my gruelling revision just to destress, I guessing that is coming though to my words?! :) Another thing that inspired me to re visit this blogging idea of mine was that last night I saw a programme called 'The C-Word' on BBC One, this was a short film based on a true story about a young woman who finds out the devasting news that she had Breast Cancer. If you haven't seen this, you need to get on to BBC iplayer tissues at the ready and press play. It was truly inspirational, funny and deeply sad all in one... Don't get me wrong this woman, Lisa Lynch was an amazing, kind person who deserved a lot more days than what she got but what I won't understand is why all these docs, films and books are about Cancer? Somebody please write, make or do something about disability as people need to be aware of this too, don't they? I agree nothing in the world is worst than having to be told you or your family has cancer but disability also can be awful at times too...
I am not trying to be horrible but people need to be aware.
Thanks for reading
Evie :)

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